From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Plotting character arcs

Plotting character arcs

- [Instructor] Here's a really good example of arcs and even when you have a scene where the character is standing in place, moving, you know, not too widely, you're still going to be generating arcs. And it's very important to have some idea about the arc paths being followed by your character. So let's take a look at this in more detail. So what I'm going to do is to plot the arcs frame by frame or key by key, rather. So what I've done here is color coded the left, his physical left hand in blue, and let's just move through each key and we'll just slap down like a timing estimate as to where I think they're going to go. Now as you begin to create three points, notice that there are different ways of possibly interpreting this. So for example, you could interpret the arc path here to curve inwards like this, I decided to make it continuous with this circular position and to do like a roundabout pose, like this. This is also going to affect all the in-betweens and breakdowns so this…
