From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Physics: Falling

Physics: Falling

- [Voiceover] You might have heard the expression "cartoon physics." And here's the classic example of cartoon physics familiar to anyone who has seen a Roadrunner cartoon. The character runs off a cliff but doesn't fall until they realize that they're floating in air and usually after they've been floating in air for a few seconds. Now although this action does violate our physics, actual physics, it does obey its own mad internal logic. So I want to look at how to apply classic animation principles to achieve this and what to avoid. So here's an example of lazy cartoon physics. The character runs out, and then they just, thuh, fall. Now about four days after I created this animation, I actually saw a cartoon on TV where someone did this and it was cheap. And why it's cheap is, it's not cheap until here. It's cheap until, let me slow this down to about a third, and you'll see what's happening is he's running off-screen. I'll speed it back up again until we get back out and then slow…
