From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Making poses read

Making poses read

- [Instructor] I'm a huge admirer of Eric Goldberg and his book, "Character Animation Crash Course!" I strongly recommend it. And in chapter eight of his book on timing, he mentioned something that caught my eye, which was that the shortest amount of screen time for a hold or a moving hold to register is six frames and anything else tends to look like a camera error or the interruption of an action. That's what he says. So I wanted to test that out and see where the cutoff might be. If he can get away with five or seven better. So I, in Photoshop, I animated this very, very simple gesture. It's kind of "Putting on the Ritz" kind of move. Now I'm a big fan also of animating in Photoshop and I have a course in the library on how to do that. So if you love to draw and you feel a little put off by a lot of animation software, I really recommend that course and this program. Now that said, it doesn't quite play at the…
