From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Isometric game acting and dialog

Isometric game acting and dialog

From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

Isometric game acting and dialog

- So in the previous movie I showed you how I had assembled the character using like a little puppet system, like a little engine that we designed. Let me just play it through. I just threw them together in a different, just a random sequence, just to see if all the little actions would hook up, going from one kind of mouth shape into the other. This is the B node, so it's basically the 3/4 view. And the other thing too that might give us a sense of space would be if we show the foot path that he's sitting on. So again, it's an isometric game system that we're building, so he should be able to walk off screen and we can track him or he can walk up this way. And there's no perspective, so the game can go on for as long as we have artwork to populate the little world with. And now that we have the different mouth shapes, these could also be conformed into any line of dialogue that we want. We have a very nice…
