From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Hair Basics

Hair Basics

- [Narrator] In this movie, we'll take a look at hair and how to apply secondary action or drag to some basic hair design. Notice that the hair in this example, is as I said, made of very simple forms. So it's a good idea to think of hair as groupings of larger shapes. So in this case, we have hair made out of strands, but I've broken it down into three basic areas, yellow for the triangular kind of wedge at the front, and the two big blocks, the green and blue, at the right and the left. This doesn't mean that we have to draw them as these crude shapes, but it's a good idea when you're beginning to conceive of the character's hair as some variation of this principle. Also again, note the numbers between these drawings. These are our key frame numbers for timing the animation, and once again, these are 24 frame per second numbers. So if you animate on 30 you might want to add a couple of frames between them to get a closer match. So here's the final animation with all the in-betweens…
