From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Hair basic

Hair basic

- [Instructor] In a previous movie some time ago, I did a very simple explanation of secondary action on hair. And in this case I broke the hair up into different body elements to show how the different parts drag, overshoot, and settle. And here's what that very graphical, very simple form looked like. So I wanted to see again what this would look like just to hand draw it. So, once again, we're in Adobe Photoshop, and I've created a start position and a stop position with a much more interesting, to be fair, design of the hair. And the beauty of drawing, again, we can do all these little forms and shapes and break off little strands, which is quite difficult to do with more simple puppet systems. So the next thing I did was I went through and animated the different hair positions on fours. So I'm animating on twos. So this is how for two frames on 24 frames per second, so an effective frame rate of 12 FPS. So if I go…
