From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Frame rates and logistics

Frame rates and logistics

- [Instructor] In 1988, when I began working in animation, we really only had to worry about a couple of frame rates. And that was the 24 frames per second column that you see on the right side here. And I worked for Don Bluth, and he was obviously working in the Disney tradition. And that was, that meant and the technology the time was based around 24 frames per second. Now animation was hand drawn then so 24 drawings a second is fairly punitive. So what it was common practice was to do 12 drawings per second. So you would do 12 drawings and then shoot them for two frames, or hence the term on Twos. And in the 1980s in a lot of Television animation, and a lot of animation in Japan, it was figured out that you could even work on eight frames per second if you shot them on for three frames, hence on threes. Now on the left side, you see the 30 frames per second family and applying the same process there. If you hold your drawings for two frames here, you get an effective frame rate of…
