From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Fine-tuning flags

Fine-tuning flags

- [Instructor] One of the hardest things for me to do when I animate is effects animation, like water, fire, flags, anything that isn't a block, a body that I can understand as a fixed form. It's a very different thing to animate, and some people are naturals at it, some people can do both, and some people can only do effects animation. They would not want to do characters 'cause it wasn't their skillset. So it's definitely a particular thing, and I'm going to show you some techniques that I use 'cause I struggle with it, and to try to get that fluidity that natural effects animators can do. I'm really jealous of them. So one of the things that you have to do is to loosen up. You're trying to be more fluid. You're trying to see motion as the forms change rather than dealing with a fixed thing. And it can be a puzzle sometimes, like a Rubik's cube. So here we have our flag. Now, in this case, I wanted to do a cycle, and I…
