From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Examples of counterpose

Examples of counterpose

- [Narrator] Here's a great example of counterpose in action, the upper level are the shoulders, obviously. And the lower level represents the hips. The left side in red and the right side in blue. And this is the kind of thing you see in a walk cycle. The hips and the shoulders are in constant counterpose. It doesn't matter what point I stop this, you're going to see some sort of counterpose in action. So at any given frame, because of the dynamic nature of this particular scene, we're guaranteed some counterpose. But let me show you a much more subtle example. So here's a good standing position. Our muscle man is flexing his muscles, and this also contains a really dynamic counterpose. We see the contraposto if you like the Italian version or torque, we're basically twisting the body. Notice how the hip is facing more toward us, on the left side you can really see it there. The upper shoulder, the blue, is slightly twisting away from the camera, and that pulls the entire body into a…
