From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Don't pop 4: Composition

Don't pop 4: Composition

- [Instructor] Over the course of the last few movies, we've taken a decent image and we've improved it. We've improved the color, the lighting and the composition, but to go any further, we really have to break it, and that means do something totally new. And this is what you're kind of putting off and trying to avoid because it's the most amount of work. So before I do that, let me show you some tricks of composition. So a great way to see strong compositional techniques is to look at the illustrations from the 19th century, by the studio of Gustave Dore. And you can see immediately like strong diagonals, and these cut the composition up into these very strong triangular shapes. And they're, it's more interesting to look at. You can see them after a while, they sort of jump out at you, once you know what to look for. Here's another one. These are from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, more of that secondary diagonals…
