From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Breakdown basics reactions

Breakdown basics reactions

- [Instructor] So now let's look at how we can take a reaction shot, in this case a really sad reaction shot, and add some vitality to it by adding a breakdown. So these are the straight in between breakdown, there's nothing happening on the breakdown other than a absolutely obedient 50% midway between the two keys. This just isn't really good enough if you want to go to the next level with your animation. And when we overlay the images you'll see everything's moving in a straight line. There's no arcing happening, it's just a machine in between. So what I'm going to do on this one is something really subtle, I bet you can't even see it here because it is so subtle, but let's move to the next video. There's a very slight arc happening on the breakdown now. So this hasn't really added much drama, but it's certainly a much prettier movement. It's starting to lose some of that mechanical aspect to it. And again, when we apply the overlay of these three frames with the green key, the…
