From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Bluth-style design

Bluth-style design

- [Instructor] When you look at, say, "Jungle Book", "101 Dalmatians", or "The Secret of NIMH", and you compare it to "Sleeping Beauty' or many of the movies that came before, there's a much bolder use of straights versus curves. And I don't know exactly why it became more pronounced in this period, but it certainly did. I wonder if it just comes down to people getting better and better, and they're just drawing faster. I find when I draw faster, that style begins to just come out as a function of speed sometimes. And I think they were genuinely just, at that point, on top of their craft. Also, it's definitely harder to work with straights. One reason why the stuff from the 1930s was rounder was it was more forgiving. So it could be also a fact that people are just really confident, and they weren't afraid of angles. So on the left side, you have curves, like something you'd see in the 1930s, maybe early '40s. The…
