From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Avoiding burnout

Avoiding burnout

- [Instructor] One of the big risks that you will face when you work in animation is like Sisyphus and the ancient Greek mythology, you're doomed to push a gigantic ball up a hill forever and that ain't any fun. But at least unlike Sisyphus when we get the ball to the top of the hill, usually you have a finished cartoon to show for it so it's not that bad. But one of the big risks of the job is we end up doing the same thing over and over and over again because it's extremely repetitious. So you have to watch out for this and the big danger that you face is burnout. And I've burnt out at least twice and what you find is that it really is semi-permanent, there is some recovery from it, but once you've burnt out once, it's easier to burn out a second time and the danger is you can end up unable to work at a certain degree or level that you were able to work at before. And so for example, if I were to do like a production project that involved working 60 to 80 hours a week for six…
