From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Advanced smoke poof

Advanced smoke poof

- [Instructor] In the previous movie, I showed you how to do a very simple smoke poof. In this one, it's a little more complex. We have perspective for one, and it's a little bit slower, so we get more of a feeling for the dissipation of the smoke particles. So again, before I invested a lot of time on all those drawings, I wanted to make sure that the timing of the scene was correct. So the first thing I did was I animated a torus, or a ring, expanding from the core to dissipation, and I was happy enough with this. And I find, too, it's sometimes better to make things a little slower. You can always drop frames to make it faster, whereas, there's nothing worse than having to go back into one of these effects scenes and add in-betweens. So, there's various ways we can speed it up digitally, but this felt about right for me for the size of smoke poof that I wanted. It's just about over a second of animation. And it…
