From the course: 12 Principles of Animation for CG Animators

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Solution: An exercise with a flour sack

Solution: An exercise with a flour sack

(chimes) - [Instructor] Does your head hurt yet? Staging has an infinite number of solutions, and figuring out what the best solution is is part science and part aesthetic. Let's jump into our challenge and see how I ended up solving it. One of the first things you need to think about is subtext. Basically, what's the backstory? Why are we here? Why is this happening? In the case of the sad flour sack, I thought that maybe he had been, say, at the desert for a long time, and he was really sad, and tired, and, well, honestly, pretty worn out. We feel kinda distant from the character when we think about those things. You feel like maybe he's far away, and just, well, nothing. So I decided to bring the camera really far back, and I'm sure you've probably heard of the rule of thirds, right? Where you divide your frame into three sections? Across, and going this way. Well, I decided to put him on an extreme six. That is, I divided everything into sixes, and I put him right at the edge…
