From the course: 12 Principles of Animation for CG Animators

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Solution: An exercise with a ball

Solution: An exercise with a ball

- [Instructor] So how do we take this simple ball bounce and add some life to it? By using the principles of squash, stretch, and a bit of anticipation. Let's find out how. Here in Maya, I'm gonna rotate our little ball a little bit in the beginning. This will give us a sense of energy that's being built up right before the ball bounces out. You can do this simply with just the rotate tool in Maya. Now to squash him and stretch him, you're gonna just wanna use the simple scale tool in Maya. In Blender, you can use the scale tool right down here. Now be careful. As your ball bounces, you're gonna wanna make sure that you don't squash him too much so that he looks like a flat pancake on the ground, kinda like this. Plus, you're also gonna wanna pay attention to volume. What I mean by that, is that when you squash the character down a little bit this way, make sure he gets squashed out a little bit that way. That way your ball has a sense of volume the whole time and it doesn't flop…
