From the course: 12 Principles of Animation for CG Animators
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Principle 8: Secondary action
From the course: 12 Principles of Animation for CG Animators
Principle 8: Secondary action
- [Instructor] Secondary actions are all the actions that happen to support the main acting. These actions help emphasize the main movement, not take away from it. And, they're different from overlapping and follow-through action, because often they're done with intent and not the result of general physics. Let's take a look at this man, and see as he's walking forward. He's clearly in a hurry, because he's swinging his arms quite a bit, and, he takes a sip of his coffee, indicating that he doesn't have enough time to sit down and drink it. Though these actions seem small at first, they actually indicate quite a bit about his character and what's going on. Now, let's check out this woman, who's running in a hurry, but then realizes something's wrong. She scratches her brow, she checks her watch, licks her lips, and then finally gives up and decides to turn around. Secondary action is referred to in acting as small business, or little things that you can further do to underline the…
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