From the course: 12 Principles of Animation for CG Animators

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Principle 7: Arcs

Principle 7: Arcs

- [Instructor] All objects move in arcs even if they're absolutely mechanical. They all still have a bit of curve in their movement. Arcs are pretty easy to spot on people. Check out this Muybridge animation from earlier. Taken directly from photographs, you can see how the arcs on the feet and hands travel around. Let's trace a few of these arcs. I'm just going to pick his wrist right here. And see what happens. Now I know I'm going to lose it in the middle so we'll just keep going. Alright, now let's see what we get. All I've done is traced a few arcs on his hand. And if you travel through space, you can see they make this nice swooping motion. The same is true for the feet and legs. But now, let's go look at a robot. Do you remember these robots? All their movements move pretty straight, but they're still slightly curved in arcs. Let's trace a few of the movements and find them. What I've gone ahead and done is trace the arcs on this little robot as he moves through space. These…
