From the course: 12 Principles of Animation for CG Animators
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Principle 12: Appeal
From the course: 12 Principles of Animation for CG Animators
Principle 12: Appeal
- [Instructor] Appeal is our final principle and perhaps the most nebulous at first. Simply put, it's all about making conscious choices to make your animation look a certain way. Maybe you want your animation to be stretchy and silly, or maybe you want it to be refined and slow. Making a conscious choice and sticking to the style is what appeal is all about. One common way to establish appeal is through a pose library or a model sheet. Here, you can decide what some of the poses and shapes are for the characters, and how they would hit them and what some of their defining traits are. For example, in this web series that we make, called Ray and Clovis, we decided that Clovis the cat does not look good from the side angle so we're gonna try to avoid that as much as possible. With model sheets you wanna think about everything. The way the teeth fit together, the way the eyebrows act when he's surprised or scared or sad. Establishing this look early on will help define the style and the…
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