From the course: 12 Principles of Animation for CG Animators
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Principle 10: Exaggeration
From the course: 12 Principles of Animation for CG Animators
Principle 10: Exaggeration
- [Instructor] These last three principles are focused on the aesthetic and a little bit on technique. First among them is exaggeration and it's all about embellishing the pose, movement and feel of our animation. Let's check out this little short film that my studio made called Ray & Clovis, All that Jazz. (soft guitar music) - Hey Ray what ya doin? - Practicing some jazz guitar. - [Instructor] Okay now here's a great example of exaggeration right as soon as we start. Clovis is a blue cat and Ray is a green iguana and Clovis enters the frame from screen right. Now we could've just had him walk in but the animator chose to super stretch him in as he comes into frame. Sure none of it really makes sense when you frame through it, but when you watch it it just feels right. Let's watch this again. - Hey Ray what ya doin? - [Instructor] See that, it has a nice snappiness and it feels a little silly. Okay let's keep watching and see what happens. - That's pretty much how jazz works. - So…
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