Update your InMail message signature in Recruiter and Recruiter Lite

Last updated: 8 months ago

Your message signature in LinkedIn Recruiter contains your name, current company, and any contact info associated with your profile. It appears as a signature at the bottom of the message window when you send a message and is auto-generated. Your signature can be a maximum of 150 characters.

To edit or remove your signature in Recruiter or Recruiter Lite:

  1. Click Projects at the top of your Recruiter or Recruiter Lite homepage and select your project.

  2. On a candidate's profile, click the  Message icon to open the Compose Message window.

  3. At the bottom of the message, click the Edit icon next to your signature.

  4. Make your changes and click Save.
    • Click Cancel to go back without saving your changes.
  5. Complete your message and click Send.

The changes you make to your signature are saved as your default signature in any new messages you send.

Email notifications are sent to the email address associated with your Recruiter account. If you need to update the email address associated with your account, contact your contract admin to update it.

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