Article and newsletter ads

Last updated: 1 week ago

LinkedIn article and newsletter ads are a new Sponsored Content ad format that’s supported by the Classic campaign type. In Campaign Manager, you can use the article and newsletter ad format to sponsor standalone articles or newsletter articles posted natively on your Company Page or as part of a thought leader ad posted by a LinkedIn member, upon their approval.

The benefits of article and newsletter ads are:

  • Develop more readers and subscribers for your native, long-form content.
  • Convert prospective customers to engaged readers and subscribers.
  • Improve the time to market your content.

How article and newsletter ads work

Articles are individual, standalone, long-form content on various topics. Newsletter articles are part of recurring, serialized newsletters on LinkedIn that members can subscribe to. You can:

  • Sponsor as an article and newsletter ad for brand awareness, engagement, and lead generation campaigns using the Content Library in Campaign Manager (lead generation is currently not available for newsletter articles). You can also boost them through Company Pages.
  • You can promote Company Page articles through the Company Page tab. You can also promote articles and newsletter articles from thought leaders, upon their approval, in the LinkedIn members tab during campaign creation in Campaign Manager.


The considerations listed in the following table are important when using the article and newsletter ad format.

Area Consideration
Ad format You can no longer use the single image ad format to sponsor native first-party articles and newsletters. Instead, you can use the article and newsletter ad format. The single image ad format can still be used if you are sponsoring a post with a link to a third-party article.
Existing ads Any existing article or newsletter ads created using the single image ad format will continue to run. However, new ads need to be created using the article and newsletter ad format.

Any existing article or newsletter ad created using the single image ad format can be edited at the campaign level, but can’t be duplicated. 

You can’t add or change the image used in an article and newsletter ad. The image used for the organic article or newsletter article is used as the ad image.

Direct Sponsored Content Direct Sponsored Content doesn’t currently support the article and newsletter ad format. An article or newsletter must be posted organically in order to use the article and newsletter ad format.
Supported objectives

Sponsored articles only support the brand awareness, engagement, and lead generation objectives.

Sponsored newsletter articles only support the brand awareness and engagement objectives. Lead generation is currently not available for newsletter articles.

Lead Gen Form LinkedIn articles sponsored under the lead generation objective will have a default Unlock article call-to-action button. When clicked, a lead form opens in the feed. Upon completing the lead form, a member will have full access to the LinkedIn article.
Content Library If multiple Company Page posts link to the same article or newsletter, the Content Library only shows the first post that linked to that article or newsletter. Subsequent posts linking to the same article or newsletter are filtered out of the Content Library.
Promoted tag All article and newsletter ads will include a Promoted tag at the top of the ad to indicate the post is sponsored. A sponsored thought leader ad will display a Promoted tag followed by the Company Page name.
LinkedIn Audience Network The lead generation objective isn’t currently supported by LinkedIn Audience Network.
Chargeability The Subscribe button is chargeable when promoting a newsletter ad.

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