Campaign groups

Last updated: 3 months ago

With campaign groups, you can organize related campaigns together to manage them at scale. Campaign groups are available for both Classic and Accelerate campaign types, and you can have a campaign group that contains only Classic campaigns, only Accelerate campaigns, or a mix of Classic and Accelerate campaigns.

When using Classic and Accelerate campaigns in the same campaign group, they must have the same objective type, bidding strategy, optimization goal, daily or lifetime budget, and schedule if Dynamic Group Budget is turned on.

Important to know

When using Accelerate campaigns, campaign groups are only available for the website visits or lead generation objectives.

Placing related campaigns in the same campaign group allows you to:

  • Set a group objective that applies to all campaigns in the campaign group. 
  • Set a campaign group budget and schedule that applies to all campaigns in the group. 
  • Manage the status of campaigns through the campaign group.
  • View or export performance metrics for all campaigns in the group.  

You can create an unlimited number of campaign groups to organize your campaigns. Once a campaign has been added to a campaign group, it can’t be moved. Instead of moving a campaign, you can create a copy of the campaign in a different campaign group by duplicating it. 

Campaign group settings 

Your campaign group settings help you manage all campaigns in the group. Campaign group settings include: 

  • Group objective - Set a campaign group objective for all campaigns in the group. When you set a group objective, you can also turn on Dynamic Group Budget which ensures budgets are used efficiently and optimally to achieve business outcomes. 
  • Group budget and schedule - Set a start date, end date, or budget that applies to all campaigns in the group. If you turn on Dynamic Group Budget, you can only set a budget and schedule at the campaign group level.  

You might encounter an error when creating or editing a campaign if the campaign’s settings don’t align with the campaign group’s settings.

Learn more about the differences between campaign groups with and without Dynamic Group Budget in the table below.  

  Campaign group with Dynamic Group Budget turned on Campaign group with Dynamic Group Budget turned off 
Maximum number of campaigns in group  • Up to 50 Classic and Accelerate campaigns.  • Up to 2,000 Classic and Accelerate campaigns.
Available ad formats for campaigns  • Sponsored Content ad formats for Classic campaigns.

 • Single image ad format for Accelerate campaigns.
 • All ad formats for Classic campaigns.

 • Single image ad format for Accelerate campaigns.
Where to set a budget, schedule, and bidding strategy

 • For Classic and Accelerate campaigns, the budget, schedule, and bidding strategy are set at the campaign group level and can’t be set at the campaign level. 

• For Classic campaigns, the bid amounts for cost cap and manual bidding are set at the campaign level.

• For Accelerate campaigns, the same conditions apply, except you can only set a bid amount for cost cap bidding, as manual bidding isn’t available for Accelerate campaigns.

For Classic and Accelerate campaigns:

 • Budget and schedule can be set at both the campaign group and campaign levels.

• Bidding strategy and bid amounts are set at the campaign level.

Available budget options

 • For Classic and Accelerate campaigns, you can set either a daily or lifetime budget at the campaign group level. 

• For Classic and Accelerate campaigns, you can set a daily, lifetime, or daily and lifetime budget at the campaign level.

Default campaign group

Each ad account automatically starts off with at least one campaign group. If you created your ad account before July 2021, your ad account has a Default Campaign Group. If you created your ad account after July 2021, your ad account has a New Campaign Group. If your ad account has a Default Campaign Group, it can’t be edited.

Here's a tip

If you created an ad account before campaign groups launched, all campaigns that existed in your ad account were placed in the Default Campaign Group. 

Campaign group reporting 

To view a high-level performance of the ads and campaigns in your campaign group, click the Campaign groups tab after accessing your ad account. Use the search and filter options to view specific campaign groups, use columns to change the metrics viewed, or export a report. 

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