Combined post analytics

Last updated: 2 months ago

All LinkedIn members have access to combined post analytics, which shows how your content portfolio (including short form posts, images, videos, events, polls, and articles) performs over time. It is available in your Analytics & tools.

Screenshot of the Combined Post Analytics

With combined post analytics, you can:

  • Select the date range you want to view for your data from the past seven days up to the past 365 days. This can help you identify trends to inform your content strategy. The date range you select here will be applied to the entire Posts tab.

  • Select the metric (impressions or engagements) that you want to evaluate. The metric you select will be applied to the entire Posts tab.

  • Export your analytics to an .XLSX file to analyze further or save it for your records.

The analytics includes:

Content performance

This shows the total number of impressions and engagements your entire content portfolio has received over the selected date range (Note: To ensure we are only showing data that is complete for each day, this graph will populate up to yesterday). You can toggle between Impressions or Engagements to select the data you want to display on the trend graph.

  • Impressions - The number of times your post was displayed on screen. This number is an estimate and may not be precise.

  • Engagements - The total number of engagements on your posts, including reactions, comments, and shares. Engagements from organizations aren’t included.

    Important to know

    Total engagements equals total engagements received minus any engagements removed (An engagement is considered “removed” if a member removes a reaction, deletes a comment, etc.).

  • Trend Graph - A visual to show how your impressions or engagements change over time.

If you selected Impressions on the toggle at the top of the page, you will see the Discovery section:


  • Impressions - The number of times your post was displayed on screen. This number is an estimate and may not be precise.

  • Members reached - The number of accounts that your post was displayed to. This number is an estimate and may not be precise.

If you selected Engagements on the toggle at the top of the page, you will see the Engagement section:


  • Engaged views - The number of times people spent more than three seconds on your posts, clicked to see more on your posts when the text is truncated, or loaded more comments on your posts.

  • Reactions - The number of times people reacted on your posts.

  • Comments - The number of times people commented on your posts.

  • Reposts - The number of times people reposted your posts to their feed.

Top performing posts

This shows a preview of up to three of your top performing posts based on the number of impressions or engagements gained in the date range you selected (Note: To ensure we are only showing data that is complete for each day, this list is generated based on data as of yesterday). To see more posts, select Show more. On either screen, you can use the dropdowns at the top to:

  • Change the date range
  • Rank by impressions or engagements

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