Cancel LinkedIn Premium subscription purchased via Apple App Store

Last updated: 1 month ago

LinkedIn Premium subscription purchased on an Apple device via Apple Store can be cancelled using the LinkedIn mobile app on an Apple device.

Important to know

The subscription will be canceled at the end of the current billing cycle. You need to wait for this cycle to finish before purchasing the new Premium subscription.

To cancel your Premium subscription:

  1. Tap your profile picture.

  2. Tap Premium features.

  3. Tap the  Dropdown next to Subscription details.

  4. Tap Manage subscription.

    • You’ll be redirected to Manage Premium account settings page.
  5. Tap Cancel subscription.

    • Follow the prompts to complete the cancelation.
You can also check out Apple’s instructions to cancel your Premium subscription.

Note: LinkedIn can’t provide any billing support for Apple App Store purchases, so you must contact Apple for payment inquiries and refund requests or review your Apple App Store purchase history.