Note this quote from the attached article....
"So during his tenure, the Air Force started to build out a suite of what Mr. Kendall called “low-debris-causing weapons” that will be able to disrupt or disable Chinese or other enemy satellites, the first of which is expected to be operational by 2026.
Mr. Kendall and Gen. Chance Saltzman, the chief of Space Operations, would not specify how these American systems will work. But other former Pentagon officials have said they likely will include electronic jamming, cyberattacks, lasers, high-powered microwave systems or even U.S. satellites that can grab or move enemy satellites."
Ok. I'm confused about this. All throughout this tenure and most of his speeches, Secretary Kendall has been about making warfighting in the Space Force a support focused service, not one that is armed and Force providing in its own right. One speech at a Space Symposium he even basically said that Guardians needed to stop thinking of space weapons and focus on their role as support to the Joint Force. Now, he's the visionary that finally got Space Force to get weapons we should have had years ago!? He wanted to keep the Space Force small and anemic and now....he's saying it should be bigger and better resourced? Will the real Frank Kendall please stand up?
I'm hoping that these space weapons are really coming out and are really all of those options. I've argued for years for just such a suite of options. I've also argued for the Space Force to be more resourced in funds, personnel and, of course.... weapons!
I would have liked to have seen this Frank Kendall in 2021 and not on his way out the door. Now we'll see what the next SecAF is like and if we can accelerate this to an earlier deployment than the article states. Let's all work on supporting this requirement.
National Institute for Deterrence Studies