Knox's CEO, Scott Patterson, was appointed as the Chairman of HFA's Cybersecurity Committee. This association represents a wide array of financial entities, including hedge funds, private equity and venture capital firms, real estate and wealth management companies, family offices, banks, broker-dealers, funds of funds, pension funds, endowments, foundations, high-net-worth individuals, allocators, and a range of service providers such as prime brokers, administrators, custodians, auditors, lawyers, risk managers, technologists, and third-party marketers.
Hedge Fund Association Announces Results of 2024 Global Board of Directors Election and Appoints Regional Directors and Committee Leaders Alex Contreras Leanne Golding Bo Megginson Deirdre Brennan Oded Eliashiv Barry Goodman Brian Matlock, Forvis Mazars US Partner Jannis M. Nick Naamou Scott Patterson - M.S., NSA, CISSP Yolanda Perez Jacob Rose Paul Russell, CPA Jodi Abramowitz Schwimmer Rahul Shah #leadership #alternativeinvestments #hedgefunds #privateequity #venturecapital #digitalassets #institutionalinvestors #familyoffices