Scot Chisholm & Co. reposted this
Managers, save this post: After managing 300+ people, here are 20 tips that actually work: Focus or fail. Own your shit. Move fast, decide faster. Listen more than you talk. Fight complexity at all costs. Address conflicts immediately. Never stop growing as a leader. Lead with data but trust your gut. Create rhythms your team can trust. Reward performance, not participation. Give feedback privately, praise publicly. Take feedback like an adult, not a child. Build teams that can manage themselves. Delegate outcomes instead of specific tasks. Three goals max, anything more creates chaos. Protect your top performers like your life depends on it. Provide context so clear that no one needs to read your mind. Set standards high enough to matter but low enough to achieve. Create systems that drive accountability without micromanaging. Weave your mission and vision into every conversation with your team. What did I miss?