📢 Curious about the latest developments in the #Sahel #AdaptiveSocialProtection (#ASP) space? Our December Quarterly Digest is out now, featuring recent publications, key events, and current activities relevant to ASP across the Sahel. Dive into these updates and stay connected in this critical field. The December issue is brimming with insightful updates and information, with key highlights including: 🔹 A regional workshop held in Nouakchott, #Mauritania, focusing on establishing, strengthening, and financing #SocialSafetyNet programs, and bringing together 26 government representatives from 11 countries alongside participants from The World Bank, World Food Programme, UNICEF, and IOM - UN Migration. The workshop, organized by the Government of #Mauritania with support from #SASPP, enabled delegates to share insights on program impacts, institutional arrangements, and best practices, shaping a collective vision for national safety net systems. 🔹 A dynamic South-South knowledge exchange event on #SocialProtection held in Islamabad, Pakistan, offering delegates from #BurkinaFaso, #Mali, and #Niger (virtually) a valuable platform to learn from the Pakistan Benazir Income Support Programme (#BISP) initiative, reaffirming their commitment to adopting and advancing social protection in their own countries. 🔹 A new joint article from #SASPP, UNICEF, and the World Food Programme (#WFP), outlining the imperative of optimizing and expanding social protection systems, critical to addressing chronic and conjunctural food and nutrition insecurity in the Sahel. SASPP supports the strengthening of ASP systems in the Sahel, enhancing the capacity of the poorest and most vulnerable to prepare for, cope with, and adapt to the impacts of #ClimateChange. Join us and stay informed! 👉 Subscribe in French and English to the #SASPPQuarterlyDigest today: https://lnkd.in/e2PE687h 👉 Check previous editions here: https://lnkd.in/eVk4bMfi #PPSAS #WorldBank #BanqueMondiale #development #developpement #ProtectionSocialAdaptative #PSA #ChangementClimatique #ResilienceClimatique #AdaptationClimatique #pauvrete #chocs #Mauritanie
Sahel Adaptive Social Protection Program
International Trade and Development
Strengthening adaptive social protection systems in the Sahel to increase the resilience of poor and vulnerable people.
About us
SASPP is a multi-donor trust fund managed by the World Bank that supports the strengthening of national adaptive social protection systems in Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Senegal to enhance the resilience of poor and vulnerable households and communities to the impacts of climate change. The program is supported by Denmark, France, Germany and the United Kingdom.
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External link for Sahel Adaptive Social Protection Program
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📈In #Mauritania, how have government efforts to strengthen #AdaptiveSocialProtection (#ASP) systems paved the way for more coordinated responses to increasing #ClimateShocks? Find out in this new presentation, “A Brief Introduction to Adaptive Social Protection and Climate Resilience in Mauritania”, available in French. Faced with the scale of climate impacts on the country and thanks to strong government leadership, Mauritania is making great strides in strengthening its ASP systems. The result is an evolution of shock responses from a few, fragmented interventions to a system offering instruments enabling harmonization of shock response parameters, including transfer amounts, duration, and targeting. This coordinated action is reducing duplication among actors and ensuring greater impact. 💡 Dive into this interactive presentation to gain key insights into the evolution of the country’s ASP systems and innovative solutions to sustainable financing for ASP programs, including the national #SocialRegistry, national payment platform, grievance redress mechanisms, institutional arrangements, and financing mechanisms. Among the most climate-affected countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Mauritania faces increasing climate shocks, especially #droughts and #floods. In 2022 alone, more than 875,000 Mauritanians experienced severe #FoodInsecurity. Effectively responding to the magnitude and frequency of these events requires ASP systems that can support coordinated shock responses and invest in the capacity of households to prepare for, cope with, and adapt to their impacts. 🔎The presentation offers a wealth of transferrable insights from a country that continues to lead the region in establishing and strengthening the building blocks of ASP. An excellent resource for policymakers and practitioners in the #Sahel and beyond! 👇Check it out in French here: FR: https://lnkd.in/geBtCwtv The presentation was prepared by Dr. Moulaye EL Hacen Ould Zeïdane Ould Abd El Maleck, National Coordinator and Vice-President of the Steering and Monitoring Committee of the SASPP-supported Social Safety Net System Support Project (PASyFiS), and presented in Nouakchott in October 2024. #SASPP #PPSAS #WorldBank #BanqueMondiale #Mauritanie #development #developpement #ProtectionSocialeAdaptative #PSA #genre #RegistresSociaux #FiletsSociaux #InclusionEconomique
❓What's working in the fight against #poverty? A new report by The World Bank's Partnership for Economic Inclusion highlights the importance of scaling up #EconomicInclusion - combining monetary transfers, skills training, coaching, and market access - in giving people, particularly women, the tools to strengthen their resilience to adverse events and build lasting livelihoods. 🗣️ “There is strong evidence of the significant impact that economic inclusion programs have on #FoodSecurity, consumption and income,” said Iffath Sharif, Global Director for Social Protection at the World Bank. “When implemented through government systems, these programs can be highly cost-effective and yield high returns on investment.” 💡In July, at the #G20 Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty in Brazil, the World Bank announced an ambitious goal to reach 500 million people with #SocialProtection measures by 2030. This includes supporting 250 million women with social protection programs, focusing especially on the poorest and most vulnerable. Scaling economic inclusion programs will be essential to this effort. 🔎The report also cites climate #resilience as a new frontier for economic inclusion efforts. It finds that two-thirds of economic inclusion programs are integrating climate resilience practices to help people adapt to the impacts of #ClimateChange. This includes #AdaptiveSocialProtection (#ASP). ✔️ In the six #SASPP #Sahel countries, nearly 600,000 people received support to build climate-resilient livelihoods. Economic inclusion programs are both impactful and cost-effective. In #Niger, they led to 15 percent growth in household spending on essentials — from food to education — while women's business revenues doubled. 🔑 Globally, economic inclusion programs only reach about one in ten people living in extreme poverty. Join SASPP as we continue to build the momentum for ASP in the Sahel. 📚 Learn more in "The State of Economic Inclusion Report 2024: Pathways to Scale", available in English here: EN: https://lnkd.in/d7eR4kvJ 👇 And read the press release here: EN: https://lnkd.in/gvysVzbk FR: https://lnkd.in/g-b2UX-q #PPSAS #BanqueMondiale #InclusionEconomique #pauvrete #AdaptiveSocialProtection #ProtectionSocialeAdaptative #ASP #PSA
📢 Disponible en français - joint research by #SASPP, UNICEF, and the World Food Programme (WFP) on the linkages between #SocialProtection and #SocialCohesion in the #Sahel. 👥What are the impacts of social protection on social cohesion in the Sahel? SASPP, UNICEF, and WFP have launched a joint research project to identify how social protection programs can be tailored to maximize the potential of positive impacts on social cohesion, particularly in fragile contexts like the Sahel. The research offers key entry points in social protection programs to improve social cohesion outcomes. 👇 Learn more in this interactive presentation, “ Quel est l'impact de la protection sociale sur la cohésion sociale au Sahel ? Un examen des données disponibles et des éléments à étudier ”, now available in French here: FR: https://lnkd.in/gURD_hPU 📚And find out more in the Evidence Review, now available in French here: FR: https://lnkd.in/gX2Zjd9H #PPSAS #WorldBank #BanqueMondiale #AdaptiveSocialProtection #ASP #ProtectionSocialeAdaptative #PSA #CohesionSociale #PAM Ambika Sharma Jan Menke
🌐Prepare. Cope. Adapt. How did #SASPP support #ClimateAdaptation and #resilience in the #Sahel in fiscal year 2024? Find out here. 🔎 SASPPs objective is to support six Sahelian countries - #BurkinaFaso, #Chad, #Mali, #Mauritania, #Niger, and #Senegal - to operationalize and scale up sustainable #AdaptiveSocialProtection (#ASP) systems to increase poor households’ resilience to #ClimateChange and effectively respond to climate-related and other #shocks. 💡 ASP is a critical tool for strengthening the resilience of the poorest and most vulnerable and addressing the unequal impacts of climate change and conflict in the Sahel. ASP systems enable governments to deliver timely support to those affected by climate and other shocks, helping households adapt their livelihoods, build their resilience, and cope with shocks, even in fragile contexts. ✔️ SASPP applies the tested ‘3As’ resilience model to holistically boost ASPs impact on the resilience of the poorest and most vulnerable, supporting governments to strengthen their Absorptive, Adaptive, and Anticipatory capacity: Absorptive capacity ➡️ by providing temporary support during shocks; by building savings and assets to smooth consumption; and by promoting income diversification to protect livelihoods during crises. Adaptive capacity ➡️ By investing in #HumanCapital and promoting diversified sustainable livelihoods. Anticipatory capacity ➡️ By promoting climate and food security information, improving planning and coordination mechanisms for timely responses, and pre-mobilizing resources. Toward this goal, in 2024, SASPP expanded its work at the regional, national, and partnership levels to strengthen the momentum for ASP in the Sahel. SASPP-supported programs in 2024 revealed strong impacts on the welfare of beneficiaries, their productivity, livelihoods, and resilience to climate shocks, with timely shock responses preventing households from resorting to negative coping strategies. SASPP key activities to support climate adaptation and resilience in the Sahel in 2024 included, among others: 🔸 Supported the expansion of ASP programs that are better designed to foster climate adaptation and resilience. 🔸 Supported ASP systems so they are ready to be used in times of crises and shocks, including #SocialRegistries and payment systems. 🔸 Provided support to national #FoodSecurity information and management systems to promote faster responses to shocks. 🔸 Promoted the deployment of a range of financing mechanisms to pre-position resources and ensure timely responses to shocks. 📚Learn more here: EN: https://lnkd.in/gPjNkyQH #PPSAS #WorldBank #BanqueMondiale #ProtectionSocialeAdaptative #PSA #chocs #ChangementClimatique #Tchad #Mauritanie
🇹🇩 How is #SASPP supporting the government of #Chad to strengthen its #AdaptiveSocialProtection (#ASP) systems and programs? With the new Adaptive and Productive Safety Nets Project, Chad has an ambitious vision to establish a comprehensive national ASP system, marking a significant system-level reform. Building on the success of its predecessor PARCA program focusing on refugees and host communities, this new project expands its scope to support the creation of a national sustainable and inclusive ASP system. 💡The project will support a national integrated productive #SocialSafetyNet program alongside a shock-responsive emergency monetary transfer program. It will also support new accompanying measures addressing education, gender-based violence (#GBV), #SocialCohesion, and risks associated with alcohol consumption, complementing existing measures on #HumanCapital, basic financial skills, and climate #resilience practices. 🔶 Effective programs require robust delivery systems. Recognizing this, the Project will contribute to enhancing national delivery systems for these programs, including digital payment platforms and the Unique Social Registry (USR). 🔶 Robust systems require innovative solutions. One such innovation will be a pilot for on-demand registration intake and updating process for the USR in two regions, moving away from the traditional census-style collection. The project aims to strengthen government leadership under the cohesive national social protection strategy, fostering a government-led and partner-supported coalition. At its core, this project is committed to the sustainability of ASP in the country, ensuring that the government can more effectively respond to the needs of its most vulnerable and poorest communities, including refugees, while boosting social cohesion and fostering resilience of the poorest and most vulnerable in the face of shocks. 👇 Gain a quick overview of the new Chad Adaptive and Productive Safety Nets Project, supported by SASPP, in this project summary, here: EN: https://lnkd.in/gJKXWr8g 👇And discover how SASPP is supporting the government of Chad in its efforts here: EN: https://lnkd.in/eHHi37tD FR: https://lnkd.in/g8eT4Pkk
📅The focus of a regional workshop held in #Mauritania last week was squarely on how participating delegations can establish, strengthen, and finance #SocialSafetyNet programs in their countries. This South-South knowledge exchange opportunity marked a pivotal moment in harnessing the growing momentum for #SocialProtection in West and North Africa. 🤝This dynamic event, organized by the government of Mauritania with the support of the #SASPP, brought together eleven country delegations from Benin, #Burkina Faso, #Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, #Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, #Niger, #Senegal, and Tunisia, alongside technical and financial partners including the International Organization for Migration (IOM - UN Migration), UNICEF, the World Food Programme (WFP), and The World Bank. 🔎Rich exchanges enabled participants to learn from their fellow delegates on safety net impacts, institutional arrangements of national programs, and programmatic best practices, helping shape a vision for establishing, strengthening, and financing national safety net programs in their countries. 💡Social safety nets are more than cash – they are a ladder of opportunity out of #poverty. They are an essential tool, enabling governments to provide regular support to poor and vulnerable households to improve their welfare, build their #resilience to #ClimateChange, and invest in their #HumanCapital, including their education, health, and skills – now and for the future. ✔️Social safety nets are also a good investment. They are proven to boost economic growth at the local and national level. In Africa, on average, every dollar invested in social safety nets increases income in the local economy by 130-250%. 💬 In his speech at the event, Mr. Cheikh Ould Bedda, the General Delegate for National Solidarity and the Fight against Exclusion (Taazour) highlighted the central role of social protection in Mauritania’s poverty reduction strategies. Join SASPP as we continue to leverage our ongoing technical and operational partnerships and convening role in the #Sahel to support governments in building the momentum for this impactful approach. 👉Want to know more? Check out this article in Mauritanian media covering the regional workshop: FR: https://lnkd.in/grtVADvk #PPSAS #WorldBank #BanqueMondiale #PAM #FiletsSociaux #Mauritanite #Tchad #CapitalHumaine #pauvrete #AdaptiveSocialProtection #ProtectionSocialeAdaptative
🌍 Building Sustainably: News for Adaptive Social Protection in Chad 📅 Earlier this month, in Chad's Ouaddaï province, a significant ceremony marked the launch of a new emergency shock-response cash transfer program to support communities that host a recent influx of Sudanese #refugees, as well as the official handover of three local health centers. These facilities, built under Chad’s PARCA project - funded by The World Bank and implemented by the government of #Chad - were formally transferred to the Ministry of Public Health, underscoring the strong national commitment to safeguarding the country’s long-term human capital. 🤝 PARCA represents a major milestone in establishing the foundations of a strong national #AdaptiveSocialProtection (#ASP) system. Beyond supporting the construction of over 25 schools and 17 integrated, multi-service health centers for improving access to basic services, the project has provided over 100,000 households with shock-responsive #SocialSafetyNets and #EconomicInclusion programs for refugees and host communities. ⏩This is all laying the groundwork for the new Productive and Adaptive Social Safety Net Project (PFSAP, in French), which builds on PARCA's lessons to roll out a national integrated productive safety net and the strengthening of ASP government systems to bolster the #resilience of vulnerable communities against #poverty, climate impacts, and other #shocks at a more ambitious scale. ✅ The high-level event was presided over by the Ministry Secretary of State for Finance, alongside representatives from the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Social Action, National Solidarity, and Humanitarian Affairs, and the World Bank, illustrating the importance of coordinated action to support and uplift vulnerable and poor populations through sustainable ASP approaches. 🔗 To learn more about the new #SASPP-supported PFSAP in Chad, visit our dedicated page on our website: EN: https://lnkd.in/eHHi37tD #PPSAS #BanqueMondiale #ProtectionSocialeAdaptative #PSA #Tchad #pauvrete #chocs #ClimateChange #ChangementClimatique #InclusionEconomique
🌍 Celebrating South-South Learning and Collective Action in Adaptive Social Protection! 📅 On November 14, 2024, a significant wrap-up event was held in Islamabad, presided over by Senator Rubina Khalid Chairperson of Pakistan's Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP). This event marked the culmination of a successful week of south-south learning exchanges between Pakistan and delegations from #BurkinaFaso, #Mali and #Niger. 💠 Once a learner from others, Pakistan is now leading the way in #SocialProtection with its flagship BISP program and National Socio-Economic Registry (NSER). This initiative has become a source of inspiration for driving innovation to economically empower women through financial inclusion, transfers, education, and maternal and child health and nutrition. 💠 The South-South Cooperation event in Islamabad offered West African delegates a valuable platform to learn from BISP’s initiatives, reaffirming their commitment to adopting and advancing social protection in their own countries. These exchanges have underscored the critical role of social protection in strengthening the #HumanCapital and #resilience of the poorest and most vulnerable Sahelian populations in the face of climate and other #shocks. ✨ In sum, the event stands as a testament to the power of collective action and the invaluable lessons we can share to strengthen and adapt social protection systems for the future. This visit was organized by the World Food Programme Western Africa and The World Bank’s Sahel Adaptive Social Protection Program (SASPP), in collaboration with BISP and the World Food Programme Pakistan. Want to see more? Find a short video from the event on the BISP page here: https://lnkd.in/ga6F6jnC #SocialProtection #SouthSouthCooperation #BISP #AdaptiveSocialProtection #CollectiveAction #Innovation #GlobalLearning #Pakistan
👤 In the #Sahel, promoting women’s empowerment and reducing #GenderInequality and the risks and vulnerabilities poor women and their households face requires #AdaptiveSocialProtection (#ASP) systems that ensure these challenges are understood and addressed through targeted policies, program design, strategies, and action. 🔎 #SASPP is strongly committed to supporting Sahelian governments to build and strengthen gender-responsive ASP systems and programs. Toward this goal, in 2024, SASPP-supported activities in the region included, among others: ➡️ Adapting social protection systems to ensure the inclusion of women in #SocialSafetyNet and #EconomicInclusion programs. ➡️ Adapting social protection approaches designed to meet gender-specific needs and constraints. ➡️ Establishing and strengthening gender-responsive payment systems. ➡️ Establishing and strengthening grievance redress mechanisms with protocols, and referral mechanisms to address cases of sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment. #Poverty affects men and women differently. Women and girls are more adversely affected, and this is worsened when they are further excluded and marginalized including through disability or migrant experiences. For Sahelian women and girls living in poverty, gender inequality is an additional disadvantage, resulting in pronounced differences in outcomes for #education, #health, #nutrition, economic security, wellbeing, voice, and agency compared to men and boys. #ClimateChange, conflict, and other #shocks exacerbate poverty and gender inequality. Climate change drives conflict and worsens tensions in already fragile settings, increasing the risks of gender-based violence (#GBV). Climate shocks heighten social and economic insecurity and can drive migration and displacement, all of which pose heightened gendered risks and vulnerabilities. The need to address gender inequality in the Sahel is clear. With support from SASPP, governments in the region are building gender-responsive ASP systems and programs to strengthen women’s empowerment and gender equality. When women are empowered, their families, communities, and wider society thrives – increasing their #resilience to adverse events and helping break the cycle of poverty. 📚Learn more about SASPPs gender focus in the Sahel in 2024, here: EN: https://lnkd.in/gPjNkyQH #PPSAS #WorldBank #BanqueMondiale #development #developpement #ProtectionSocialeAdaptative #PSA #genre #ChangementClimatique #chocs #pauvrete STAAR Facility