Great job to all who participated at the Oklahoma Works Partners Conference!
Congrats to Christopher Lange, a rehabilitation technician for our Vocation Rehabilitation office in Bartlesville, who was presented the Oklahoma Workforce and Economic Development Professional Award at the conference on October 4, 2024.
Program Manager Kristi Hutton nominated Chris for the following, “ Christopher Lange is a Rehabilitation Technician for DRS in Bartlesville. This local office is housed with the Bartlesville Workforce center. Since he transferred to that position from another DRS office, he has actively strengthened the partnership between the two agencies and partnerships in the community. He is always willing to provide information or seek out new information for partners and clients of either agency. He does not wait to be asked, he offers his assistance to clients and staff of both agencies with a professional yet genuinely caring demeanor. He volunteered to participate in the Beyond Hope Academy. He truly excelled in the program and does not hesitate to share the skills he has developed, and the knowledge gained when he sees that it may make a difference in someone’s day. Christopher is tremendous asset to our DRS unit, Workforce, the public schools, local employers, our clients, and the many other partners and peers in our area. Christopher is an indispensable member of our team, and we are thankful to have him.”
Director Fruendt participated in a Workforce Development System Partners Panel at the conference in Oklahoma City on October 3, 2024. She was joined by Trae Rahill, Oklahoma Employment Security Commission, and Max McKnight, Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education (CareerTech).
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) helps job seekers access employment, education, training and support services to succeed in the workforce while matching employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. WIOA is implemented in Oklahoma in strategic coordination with core partner agencies. The panel discussion showcased the strengthened collaboration taking place between agencies.