*CHECK IT OUT* “For those of us in leadership positions today, we have a responsibility to create environments where the cost of normal business risk doesn't fall disproportionately on any one group; where Black professionals can make decisions based on opportunity rather than fear; and where we can recommend talented people and pursue innovative ideas without carrying the weight of representation on our shoulders.”
Advocating for Equity & Opportunity in Arts, Culture and Commercial Real Estate | Committed to Closing the Wealth Gap & Empowering Leaders of Color | Strategic Advisor to Values-Aligned Organizations
NEW YEAR, NEW TRUTH BOMB 💣 The Hidden Weight of Working While Black: A story about Princeton, post office boxes, and why some Black executives hesitate to recommend other Black professionals... When I moved to Princeton in 1998, every moving violation ticket I received came from Black police officers. At the post office, a Black worker demanded my house deed just to rent a PO Box. Years later, I understood: This wasn't about scrutiny. It was about survival mode. (Not included in the piece: I didn't operate from that mindset in my own leadership - and learned firsthand why others did when a new board chair assumed I had hired an accomplished team of Black women because they were "friends," not because they were the best qualified - and in fact not my friends at all). Read my first Truth Bomb of 2025 to understand how this dynamic still plays out in institutional leadership today - and what it means for innovation, leadership, and change. #TruthBombsByTaneshia #LeadershipLessons #OrganizationalChange