Before I clocked out of work last Friday, I completed one final URGENT task -- a mid-afternoon submission to MS Run the US Inc.'s Care In Crisis program. A pregnant mother of four children living with multiple sclerosis (MS) was experiencing decreased income due to loss of work from her exacerbated MS symptoms from her pregnancy, and her family only had enough groceries for two days. 👩🏻💻
The request was clear, would my organization fund $500 worth of groceries for the family?
💌 The Care In Crisis branch of my organization is new this year, spearheaded by my Director of Communications & Operations, Carrie Berg, who felt a strong need for us to offer assistance outside of our usual requests (which focuses on funding mobility equipment, home improvements and vehicle modifications). I was skeptical at best about the need and also our ability to respond quickly. I didn't want my limited staff to take on yet another thing when we're already juggling enough (plus some).
With each new request, six total to this summer in addition to our usual request load, I find my skepticism disappearing. We respond quickly, we work out the kinks, and we now keep people fed, in their homes, and with the water and electrical still working. I tear up now just thinking about these individual's challenges living with MS and how this assistance impacts their immediate well being.
💰 The program is capped at $600, so I purchased that amount of Kroger ecards - buying more than was asked for - and sent it immediately to a family in Cincinnati, OH last Friday so they could purchase food for themselves and their children.
This work was thrust upon me by someone in my organization who cared deeply about moving the needle for family's with MS living in crisis. We started before we were ready, and I can't think of a better way to identify what's truly important than to simply begin and see what happens.
We're always looking for more to give -- more business partners to help fund our mission, more program participants to join our community, and more supporters to see America's Longest Relay Run make a massive impact for change!
I'd love to see a message in my inbox from you to connect more on joining our efforts. And my suggestion, if you're hesitant...simply begin and see what happens. 🧡
#multiplesclerosis #charitywork #ms #mswarrior #running #NPO #giving #mission #careincrisis #aid #support #partnership #sponsorship #growth #leadership #business