As you may know, the Global Chamber of Business Leaders (GCBL) is the founding organization of the Global Trends Magazine, GTM. In the original post, see: • The PressReader link to read the 22nd Edition/December Issue. • Find nine (9) facts about the Global Trends Magazine. "Follow' the GTM page and stay in touch. #GTM22 #globaltrendsmagazine #GTM2024 #GCBL #media #onlinemagazine #digital #globalchamberofbusinessleaders Dejan Štancer Nicole S.J. Farrell Enrique A. Mitja Laharnar Miha Pogacnik Stuart. C. Page Dagmar O'Toole SHARIAR, GIANFRANCO RAHIMI Adriano Teresi Lorenzo Giorgi Mikhail Treyvish Graciela De Oto Rosalía Arteaga Ekaterine Maisuradze Diana Barragan Medina Mónica Martínez Vargas Jakir Chowdhury Suresh Ramkissoon (Jorge) EVGENI SAVCHEV Harsha Fernando Abebe Mulu BEHI IMED Ahmed Mukta ☆Khawaza Afsar Imam☆ Arnaud DIBI charles uchenna Ani Robert W. Cats Amb.Dr(h.c).Prof.Khomotšo M. Dr. Abubakar Umar Shattima Hon. (Prof) Robinah K. Nanyunja Sâadia Lakehal Josef Thaler Weiwei Zhang-Genz H.E LAILA EL ATFANI Fawaz Alamy Clementina Moreira Alves Alvin Soh
In Case You Missed It… If you missed our 22nd Edition/December Issue of the Global Trends Magazine, GTM, read it via this PressReader link (free and paid subscription available): Here are nine (9) facts you should know about the GLOBAL TRENDS MAGAZINE: 1. Our main platform is on the PressReader online platform, the home of revered brands such as Forbes, Vogue, etc. 2. Editions are published by the 15th of every month. 3. Initially, the magazine was called Global Times Magazine. In Q4 of 2024, it was renamed Global Trends Magazine. 4. This pioneering, trendsetting and internationally distributed magazine is owned and managed by the Europe-based Global Chamber of Business Leaders (GCBL). 5. Dejan Štancer is the President of the GTM and Nicole S.J. Farrell is the Chief Editor. 6. Our biggest audience is Europe. 7. The core thrust is to create refreshing thought leadership and savvy business content that is diverse, educational, cross-industry, globally-centric and creative to spark transformation, innovation and evolution within professionals, leaders, entrepreneurs and changemakers. 8. The content is off the beaten path as we draw attention to key global issues, challenges, developments and ideas with unique perspectives that aren't usually seen in business media. 9. Our readership is tipping the 1,000,000 mark. We welcome you to ‘follow’ us so that you can stay up-to-date with our news, calls to action and announcements. Invite your colleagues, associates and friends to ‘follow’ us as well.Tap on the 🔔notification bell to ensure you don't miss any of our posts. Stay tuned for our 2025 developments! Global Trends Magazine…“Where Trends Are Born, Not Followed.” #globaltrendsmagazine #GTM22 #22ndEdition #funfacts #readership #europe #thoughtleadership #articles #columns #journalism #innovation #trendsetting #wheretrendsarebornnotfollowed #GTM #GTM2024 #pressreader #leaders #professionals #changemakers #influencers #entrepreneurs #business #media #advertising #marketing #disruption Enrique A. Mitja Laharnar Miha Pogacnik Dagmar O'Toole Stuart. C. Page Rosalía Arteaga Graciela De Oto H.E LAILA EL ATFANI Diana Barragan Medina Robert W. Cats Suresh Ramkissoon (Jorge) Adriano Teresi Lorenzo Giorgi Mikhail Treyvish Josef Thaler Sâadia Lakehal Mónica Martínez Vargas Ekaterine Maisuradze Harsha Fernando BEHI IMED charles uchenna Ani Abebe Mulu Ahmed Mukta Arnaud DIBI Fawaz Alamy Dr. Abubakar Umar Shattima Weiwei Zhang-Genz John Makumi Nigel Scicluna Hon. (Prof) Robinah K. Nanyunja Jakir Chowdhury EVGENI SAVCHEV Amb.Dr(h.c).Prof.Khomotšo M. Dr. Anastacia Lewis Clementina Moreira Alves Vilton Lima