International DSM Conference

International DSM Conference

Research Services

Dependency and Structure Modelling

About us

Dependency and Structure Modelling (DSM, also known as Design Structure Matrix) techniques support the management of complexity by focusing attention on the elements of a complex system and how they relate to each other. DSM‐based techniques have proven to be very valuable in understanding, designing, and optimizing complex system architectures such as those of products, organizations, and processes. The International DSM Conference provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and developers of DSM‐related tools to exchange experiences, discuss trends, and showcase results and tools. It also acts as a forum for developing new ideas regarding complexity management in all kinds of industries and from many different perspectives. The conference mission is to enhance understanding and managing complex interdependent relationships within and across product/process/people architectures. The conference objectives of DSM 2021 are: - Leverage 23 years DSM body of knowledge with more active industry/academia/government institutions - Show visible collaboration with other international technical/business professional societies (i.e. INCOSE, IEEE, PMI, ASME, etc.) - Require onsite participation of recent regional industry case studies - Require onsite participation of at least 3 of the 10 DSM Symbiotic Technology (DST) providers - Continue evolution and improvements to Industry Sprint Workshops (ISW)

Research Services
Company size
11-50 employees
DSM, Dependency and Structure Modelling, and Complexity Management


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