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When we consider the symbolism of a Tree 🌳 - it's leaves, branches and roots in relation to the types of relationships we have in our lifetime, the #Kabbalist #teachings offer some wonderful insights as to how our Relationships are #reflections of #spiritual #processes. 🌳 TRANSITIONAL RELATIONSHIPS - serve as catalysts for personal growth and soul refinement, helping us confront and heal deeper aspects of ourselves. These connections are temporary and often dissolve once their spiritual purpose is fulfilled. 🌳 PERMANENT RELATIONSHIPS - like those bound by deep soul connections or shared spiritual missions, are enduring and reflect a higher, lasting unity. 🌳 Both types are essential: transitional ones guide us to self-awareness, while permanent relationships anchor us in lasting spiritual harmony and growth! Agree? what are your experiences of relationships (in any context) both transitional and/or permanent? #spiritualawareness #lifelessons #growth #CorporateCalm