A small gift: An induction recipe for the holidays and beyond…
I created a simple and affordable recipe for our “BDC Presents Webinar” that showcases the magic of induction cooking by way of the humble green bean. My “Charred Green Beans with Mushrooms & Beurre Fondue” was inspired a TikTok trend and the efficiency, speed and control of #induction cooking.
👓 Read and share our post below for the full story!
👀 Watch the live cooking webinar, l will add the link in the comments.
What makes this recipe work do so well?
🔌 Efficiency: Reduction in boiling times, boiling recovery times (less water needed to keep the green beans color intact), plus no need to ice plunge green beans. Not necessary to cook the mushrooms in batches anymore, excess liquid evaporation and browning happens before your eyes!
No wasted heat, no wasted effort.
🏎️ Speed: Cast iron gets heated so quickly, so charring is easy. Be sure to prep your ingredients in advance.
🍳 Control: Just watch how fast this recipe unfolds from the highest heat (boiling and charring), to a quick jump down to a sauté temp, down to a “won’t burn your garlic” temp, down again to an extra low temperature for emulsifying butter.
Of course you can 👗dress this recipe up for the season with wild mushrooms, seafood, or send it into any culinary direction by way of sauces and seasonings, but this version is easy and fun.
Will you:
⚡️ Try it?
⚡️Share it?
⚡️Like and comment?
We will be posting on IG as well.
Thank you to my webinar VIPs:
Robert Roth (producer)
Eric Agren (Agren Appliance)
Matt Rusteika (co-host)
And our whole team at the Building Decarbonization Coalition
Jason Brown Makario Sarsozo, MSc