Lunch 2.0 at LinkedIn
It's been a lot of fun reading your suggestions and feedback on the blog and we thought it'd be better still if we could just meet you in person. We even thought of the perfect time to do that - right after we move into our new digs in Mountain View. Yes, you heard it first here. We're moving! And, we're throwing a Lunch 2.0 party on May 23rd.
We'd love to have you there. Here are the details:
RSVP here
So, whether you're interested in checking out our new digs or just interested in hanging out with the teams behind some cool new LinkedIn products, this is the spring party to be at. We're even thinking of throwing in a "Wii" little surprise into the mix.
Head over to the Lunch 2.0 blog post and leave a comment to RSVP.
Quick update: We have also added an upcoming invite that can be accessed here.