You've faced job rejection for a dream position. How can you regain your confidence and move forward?
Faced a job setback? Share your journey on bouncing back and rekindling your professional spark.
You've faced job rejection for a dream position. How can you regain your confidence and move forward?
Faced a job setback? Share your journey on bouncing back and rekindling your professional spark.
Remind yourself there is a reason for the rejection and the reason is, something better is coming. Your dream company may actually turn into your worst nightmare. So many great name companies are actually terrible to work for so count your blessing and do the only thing you can.. KEEP MOVING FORWARD!!!!
I have seen this a lot with my VP and C-level clients. They will see the perfect job posted online, go through the application/interview process, and then get a rejection. This can be devastating to your sense of confidence, which is crucial in an executive-level job search. But it's helpful to remember that there are many reasons you may not get selected for a job that have nothing to do with you such as: ✔ There was an internal candidate or internal referral already in mind for the role ✔ There was another candidate with the exact same job from a competitor ✔ They had a change in leadership and had to pause the search ✔ They changed the scope or had a hiring freeze after posting Remember that it's not always within your control.
This happened with a candidate of mine, this is what I told her. The candidate was being interviewed for a C-level position and was for a huge MNC. The candidate had to go through 5 rounds of interviews only till the end where she was competing with other candidate of mine. When she heard the news of not being successful, she got emotional - pretty much heartbroken to be exact! I told her to look at it this way, if you weren't even near to what they were looking for, they would have never spent these many hours with you. Believe in yourself, you had that "something", which took their attention and you did the best you could! You gave your competition a very sold hard time too which means, Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.
In my years in the industry, I've learned that rejections can hit hard, especially for dream roles. Remember: no single job defines your career. It's normal to feel disappointed—give yourself one day to process those emotions. Then, shift your focus forward. Consider what you can learn from this experience. Does it highlight areas for growth or suggest new directions? Each setback builds resilience. Rejection doesn't reflect your worth; it simply means this particular role wasn't the right fit at this time. Now, get back in the game. Update your resume, explore new opportunities, and expand your network. Your career path is long, with many twists and turns. This rejection is just one page in your larger story.
I've had this happen more times than I care to count. Realities are, some old feelings are still very real, and some people simply don't want to be lead by anyone who doesn't look or lead by others who do not look or lead LIKE THEM, no matter how stellar your accolades or demonstrated expertise are. While hurtful, most will never own up to this antiquated mindset, no matter the costs. So it is best for us who know better to know that what is FOR us, will FIND US, square our shoulders and take these moments to review/update the things that are in our control (CV, Bio, cover letters) so that we have no regrets, and simply move forward. We are the Few whose Courage will carry us through!! Keep Dreaming!!
A rejeição em um processo seletivo pode ser desafiadora, principalmente quando se trata da posição que mais desejamos ou dos nossos sonhos, mas é uma oportunidade para crescimento. Primeiro, permita-se sentir e processar suas emoções; isso faz parte do processo. Depois, reflita sobre a experiência: o que aprendeu com a entrevista? Peça feedback, se possível, e utilize essas informações para aprimorar suas habilidades. Lembre-se de que a confiança pode ser recuperada! Concentre-se nas suas conquistas e nas habilidades que você traz. Mantenha uma mentalidade positiva e continue sua busca, sabendo que cada passo, mesmo os difíceis, contribui para o seu crescimento profissional.
Job hunting is like a race, it’s about stepping up to the challenge and performing in the moment. A rejection after a brief interview or selection round can’t capture our full potential. Each attempt is a fresh opportunity to showcase what we bring to the table, fine-tune our approach, and come back even stronger. Resilient is the key no matter the outcome. Remember, rejections aren’t the end, they're part of the journey. Each one gives us a chance to refine our skills, strengthen our pitch, and move closer to the role we desire. So, keep pushing, keep learning, and let every setback fuel your determination to show the world what you’re truly capable of!
Un rechazo no es el fin del mundo, es una oportunidad para revisar lo que he estado haciendo y cómo, para investigar más la empresa donde postularé, a las personas que me entrevistarán, las brechas que tengo respecto a lo que busca el mercado. Es una oportunidad para preparar mejor mi entrevista, buscar como acortar las brechas. No eres la única ni la última persona que le pasará. Lo importante es cómo enfrentas la situación. Está bien que sientas tristeza o que tu ánimo baje, es saludable tomar un tiempo (horas, días o semana) para procesar la situación. Luego, vuelve a retomar tu plan y acciones que te ayuden a tener más posibilidades de ser la persona elegida para ese cargo.
Some items I have found helpful: *maintain a sense of humor about it (whatever the scenario) *habitually remind yourself that this was not supposed to occur, therefore it didn’t (if it was a job you didn’t get) *be gratuitous, and do something unique (handwritten card) to show gratitude for the opportunity (if a new role, if long term and position shifted—do the same). *never ever burn 🔥 bridges *meditate, pray, workout, and eat healthy not allowing stress or anxiety to push forward
Dealing with job rejection is disheartening. Allow yourself to feel the feelings; it is not personal, rather, not the best fit for the employer's needs. Reframe your self-talk to remain positive and motivated. Believe in yourself and your abilities; it is part of the process. Another opportunity may be a better fit. Use the application as a learning experience. Contact the employer for feedback on where you can improve. You will view your application through their eyes, giving you insight and a broader perspective. Work with a career coach to guide you to move forward with confidence. Good luck! Each application will bring you closer to winning the job.
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