Your colleague is exhibiting signs of anxiety at work. How can you support them effectively?
When a coworker is struggling with anxiety, small gestures and understanding can make a big difference. Here are ways to help:
- Listen actively without offering solutions, validating their feelings.
- Encourage them to use company resources like Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs).
- Respect their need for space or breaks to manage anxiety symptoms.
How have you supported colleagues with anxiety? Share your experiences.
Your colleague is exhibiting signs of anxiety at work. How can you support them effectively?
When a coworker is struggling with anxiety, small gestures and understanding can make a big difference. Here are ways to help:
- Listen actively without offering solutions, validating their feelings.
- Encourage them to use company resources like Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs).
- Respect their need for space or breaks to manage anxiety symptoms.
How have you supported colleagues with anxiety? Share your experiences.
how to support your team during emergencies when they feel anxious and stressed: Open Communication - Encourage sharing and provide regular updates about the situation. Active Listening - Be available to listen and validate their feelings. Provide Resources - Share mental health resources and stress management techniques. Foster Team Cohesion - Implement a buddy system and engage in team-building activities. Offer Practical Support - Ensure role clarity and encourage regular breaks. Model Calm Behavior - Stay composed and focus on positive solutions. Training and Preparedness - Conduct regular emergency training and discuss potential scenarios. Follow-Up - Check in after the emergency and seek feedback for improvement.
Anxiety is a natural response of a being which is usually triggered because of reasons varies from person to person. So, their are no standard ways to provide support to the victim. We must try to understand the cause and most importantly only listen to the person if he feels comfortable. Anything which makes him uncomfortable for example talking or even listening if person don't want it can worsen the situation. We must go slow in a way to understand the cause of the situation and help accordingly.
Primeiro, antes de mais nada, é se colocar à disposição, não dizer o que fazer, é estender a mão, dar o ombro amigo, ouvir sem julgamentos, observar e quando a relação permitir, um abraço vale mais que mil palavras. Vale também ajudar a pessoa a refletir situação e tentar aos poucos amenizar a crise, guiando para que seja avaliado o que é real e o que está no imaginário, sugerir mecanismos de mindfulness, sugerir ouvir uma música relaxante ou ruídos brancos e marrons.
This is a delicate one. Since not everyone is receptive to suggestions or sometimes even compassion. Hence one has to walk a thin line, lending an active ear and also understanding the cause of anxiety. There can be numerous cases where the anxiety can arise from harassment also in work areas which, due to societal pressure or prejudiced misconceptions, may lead to suppression if issues and hence the anxiety.
Quando um colega está lidando com ansiedade, pequenos gestos fazem toda a diferença! Escute sem julgamentos e respeite os limites dele. Pergunte como você pode ajudar, sem pressões, e valorize cada pequeno progresso. Ofereça paciência nos dias difíceis e contribua para um ambiente acolhedor, onde saúde mental seja prioridade. E se ele mencionar buscar ajuda profissional, incentive de forma leve. Lembre-se: com empatia e compreensão, você ajuda o colega e ainda fortalece a equipe. Afinal, todo mundo precisa de apoio de vez em quando!
Suggest to them "box breathing" 4 second inhale, 4 second hold at the top, 4 second exhale, 4 second hold at the bottom - for 4 cycles. We shallow breathe as a society, this exercise forces needed oxygen into your body, highjacks your "system" enhancing an oxygenated mind and clearer thinking. I do this before an interview, a speech, talk, presentation or when I'm simply feeling on edge.... it truly helps, if you allow it. The challenge is knowing it, and remembering when to employ it. 👍
Its best to start with a conversation with the aim of discovering root cause. This will help to see how you can render assistance and in the event that you can't assist with mentorship or coaching then assist its time for professional help. This can be achieved via the HR department if the person or finding a trained professional otherwise. It is important that you follow up with the persons progress and ensure that there's formal reintegration back into the work environment. The workplace and its people might be the root cause so there may be a need for change management on both sides.
I was always been the person with the reputation of if you come to my office. What ever is said in confidence stays that way. I was also the person who if my bosses were looking for me would find me on the shop floor . I found that created a team effect with group trust more than a them and us approach. Yes if there was a critical item passed through my office .I always advised at times depending on issue if we needed to pause. Then say if by law or my own responsibility of the action I would need to take if we continue . I think due to the trust I had built up. This never was a issue . I always kept only the person who came to me informed of what was happening as I walked that shop floor like normal. I need to finish runout of characters
The best way might be to approach the collegue with empathy. We should try to listen to the issue without trying to fix it and just try to provide them a comfortable space where they can express their feelings. 1. Then the first support that can be provided is trying to normalise their feelings by assuring them that it is okay to feel that way, can also give examples where people are feeling/have felt similarly. 2. Can also encourage them to take breaks or delegate tasks if possible. Can even extend personal help in completing tasks/assignments if possible. 3. If the situations seems to be too grave, can suggest some professional help. But dont forget to respect boundaries and come back and say hi the next day to foster supportive env.
Listen without judgment,if a colleague opens up to you about their struggles with anxiety or any other stressful situation,listening without judgment can be the best way to offer support, Empathise,
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