You're struggling to give feedback in data analytics. How can you effectively guide your colleagues?
Giving feedback in data analytics is crucial for the growth and development of your team. It's not just about pointing out errors or suggesting improvements; it's about fostering a culture of continuous learning and collaboration. You might be an expert in Python, R, or SQL, but if you struggle to communicate your insights effectively, your colleagues may not benefit from your expertise. Whether you're reviewing a colleague's data model, critiquing a report, or discussing the outcomes of a predictive analysis, the way you deliver feedback can significantly influence their professional growth and the project's success. So, how can you guide your colleagues constructively without overwhelming them with jargon or discouraging them with criticism? Let's explore some effective strategies.
Hamza KhalidData Analyst @ EG Group | ex-EY | BI & Data Analytics Professional | Python, R, Power BI, DAX, Tableau, SQL, Azure
Mohit JainProduct Manager | Problem Solver | UF Information Systems | Customer Centric | Product Strategy | Data-driven Insights
Tejoyashank ChilvantReliance Industries Limited (PPO) | SIBM Pune (2023-2025) | National Semi-Finalist Castrol POWER UP, Campus Winner…