How would you manage expectations when senior stakeholders have conflicting visions for a project outcome?
Managing expectations when senior stakeholders have differing visions for a project's outcome is a nuanced challenge that requires both strategic communication and adept negotiation skills. It's essential to approach this situation with a clear understanding of each stakeholder's perspective and an appreciation for the project's overarching goals. By fostering an environment of open dialogue, you can facilitate a collaborative approach to aligning these visions. Moreover, it's crucial to establish a framework for decision-making that respects the contributions of all parties while steering the project toward a successful and mutually acceptable conclusion.
Sithari Thanya RanawakaMentor | Lecturer | Professional Trainer | Motivational Speaker | PhD Candidate(MY), MBA(UK), MAM(NZ), BBA(UK), Dip In…
Maria Vanusa AzevedoGerente Administrativa I Gerente Financeira I Coordenadora Administrativa e Financeira I Liderança I Gestão de Pessoas…
Christianne PimentaCIO | Professora | Qualidade e Projetos | IA | ESG | Privacidade | Inovação