Another way to evaluate a classifier is to look at how well it can detect the positive and negative classes separately. This can be done by using two metrics: sensitivity and specificity. Sensitivity, also known as recall or true positive rate, is the proportion of actual positive cases that are correctly predicted as positive. It can be calculated as: Sensitivity = TP / (TP + FN) Sensitivity tells you how good your model is at finding the positive cases, but it does not tell you how many false positives it produces. For example, if your model always predicts the positive class, it will have a high sensitivity, but it will also have a high false positive rate. Therefore, sensitivity can be misleading if you want to avoid false alarms or if the positive class is rare. The opposite of sensitivity is specificity, also known as true negative rate, which is the proportion of actual negative cases that are correctly predicted as negative. It can be calculated as: Specificity = TN / (TN + FP) Specificity tells you how good your model is at finding the negative cases, but it does not tell you how many false negatives it produces. For example, if your model always predicts the negative class, it will have a high specificity, but it will also have a high false negative rate. Therefore, specificity can be misleading if you want to avoid missed detections or if the negative class is rare.