You're drowning in deadlines and caseloads. How do you make time for self-care?
When workloads surge, self-care becomes crucial to maintain your health and productivity. Here's how to carve out time for yourself:
- Schedule brief breaks. Even five minutes of stretching or deep breathing can recharge your batteries.
- Set boundaries. Decide on a time when work ends, and honor it as you would any other appointment.
- Automate tasks. Use tools to handle repetitive work, freeing up moments for mental health.
How do you prioritize self-care when the pressure is on? Would love to hear your strategies.
You're drowning in deadlines and caseloads. How do you make time for self-care?
When workloads surge, self-care becomes crucial to maintain your health and productivity. Here's how to carve out time for yourself:
- Schedule brief breaks. Even five minutes of stretching or deep breathing can recharge your batteries.
- Set boundaries. Decide on a time when work ends, and honor it as you would any other appointment.
- Automate tasks. Use tools to handle repetitive work, freeing up moments for mental health.
How do you prioritize self-care when the pressure is on? Would love to hear your strategies.
Na minha opinião gestão de tempo é a arte de saber priorizar. As demandas, os e-mails e as atividades vão se somando dia após dia. Vencer uma caixa de entrada de e-mail virou uma utopia mas saber o que é prioritário e relevante faz a diferença. Com isso em mente separe alguns horários do seu dia que são dedicados ao seu auto cuidado e e que são inegociáveis. Para mim são: - Academia todos os dias de manhã, - Terapia às sextas - Fim de semana com a família.
A pausa é o primeiro movimento. (Re)aprender a pausar é o início de uma "reprogramação" de agenda, pois a pausa "baixa a poeira" e permite enxergar melhor tanto prioridades quanto as melhores práticas de gestão de tempo. Quer resistir a um ritmo que está se tornando doentio? Aprender a pausar é o primeiro ato de resistência.
When faced with deadlines and heavy workloads, prioritizing self-care can be challenging yet essential. It is advisable to begin your day with self-care activities, such as a five-minute meditation and stretching, as well as to incorporate brief breaks for hydration and relaxation throughout the day.
Self care is paramount to how effective you can be as a provider. Setting boundaries on your time can and will help in balancing. Scheduling time off in advance, being intentional about taking breaks and learning how to say no with out saying no.
Small changes can make a big difference when we are overwhelmed with deadlines. Taking just a few minutes for quick breaks can help us feel better throughout the day. We can take short breaks to stretch, breathe, or go for a quick walk. Scheduling time for self-care, even if it’s just 15 minutes, can also make a big impact. Let’s prioritize sleep and set clear boundaries to protect our personal time. And when we are overloaded, learning to say no or asking for help can make all the difference. These simple habits can help us stay focused and energized without taking up too much time or energy.
Para equilibrar prazos intensos com autocuidado, é fundamental estabelecer limites claros e micro-pausas estratégicas na rotina. Incorporar momentos curtos para respirar, alongar-se ou até desconectar por alguns minutos traz um alívio significativo, evitando o esgotamento e melhorando o foco. Essa prática disciplinada de autocuidado fortalece a resiliência e mantém a produtividade em níveis sustentáveis, mesmo sob alta pressão.
When I’m buried in work and deadlines, finding time for self-care feels tough, but I know it’s really important. I take short breaks—just five minutes to stretch, breathe, or drink some water. These little pauses help me feel refreshed. I also set a clear time to stop working each day and stick to it, just like any other important plan. Using tools to handle simple, repeated tasks saves me time and makes life easier. I try to group similar tasks, like replying to emails all at once, so I can stay focused. I’ve also started adding self-care to my daily habits, like stretching while my coffee brews or thinking of one good thing before bed. Even small steps make a big difference. What do you do to take care of yourself when life gets busy?
A mi modo de ver la sobrecarga laboral en muchas ocasiones viene dada por gestionar varias tareas a la vez. Evitar la muultitarea nos ayudará a reducir la sobrecarga mental. Es importante delegar, no tener miedo a ello. Algo a nivel personal y que practico hace años son ejercicios de respiración. Cada individuo deberá buscar la manera de gestionar su propio estrés. Y por último saber diferenciar entre urgente e importante, algo que todos sabemos y en ocasiones se nos olvida. Saludos a todos.
Intégrez des moments de pause dans votre emploi du temps. Priorisez les tâches les plus importantes et concentrez-vous sur celles-ci. Accordez-vous des moments sans écran en dehors du travail,promenades,lecture passez du temps seul ou en bonne compagnie Mangez bien, mieux à heures régulières. Ménagez votre sommeil, couchez vous tôt. Déléguez certaines tâches à d'autres. Apprenez à reconnaître les signes de fatigue et de stress. Accordez-vous du temps pour des activités qui vous Pratiquez la sophrologie,la méditation, le yoga ou la respiration profonde,le qi gong le tai Chi Apprenez à dire non 😉
Il est écrit dans la Bible ceci : Gardez-vous avec soin de toute soif de posséder car la vie d’un homme ne dépend pas de ses biens même s’il est dans l’abondance (Livre de Luc, chapitre 12 verset 15). Pour dire que si vous ne vous arrêtez pas à un certain moment pour vous reposer, récupérer, prendre le temps de remercier DIEU pour ce que vous avez déjà pu faire et craquez, c’est vous qui perdrez. Une vie où on n’a jamais pu trouver un temps pour remercier DIEU pour ce que l’on a déjà ET pour la possibilité de pouvoir en jouir également, ne peut pas être bénie. C’est mieux de se fixer des limites à respecter pour pouvoir prendre soin de vous et des vôtres (Ecclésiaste 2: 24-26). Ils comptent aussi Très bonne journée à vous 10/11/2024
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