Your team is divided on preferred learning methods. How do you ensure everyone benefits from the training?
When your team is split over learning methods, it's crucial to find a training approach that caters to all. To ensure everyone benefits:
- Mix teaching techniques, incorporating visual, auditory, and hands-on methods.
- Implement feedback loops to understand what works best for the group.
- Offer self-paced options alongside structured sessions for flexibility.
How do you align varied learning preferences within your team? Share your strategies.
Your team is divided on preferred learning methods. How do you ensure everyone benefits from the training?
When your team is split over learning methods, it's crucial to find a training approach that caters to all. To ensure everyone benefits:
- Mix teaching techniques, incorporating visual, auditory, and hands-on methods.
- Implement feedback loops to understand what works best for the group.
- Offer self-paced options alongside structured sessions for flexibility.
How do you align varied learning preferences within your team? Share your strategies.
To ensure that everyone on a hotel team benefits from training, it’s essential to provide a variety of learning options tailored to different learning styles. Those might be: Training videos & demonstrations (PMS), Role playing, discussions (complaint handling), hamds on practice for HSKP, Checklists/guides, ELearning and Cross training and feedbacks By providing diverse training methods and actively incorporating feedback, you can help each member of the hotel team engage with and retain critical information, regardless of their learning preferences. This well-rounded approach builds a more competent, confident, and cohesive team.
Para garantir que todos na equipe se beneficiem do treinamento, inicie identificando os estilos de aprendizagem de cada membro, sejam visuais, auditivos, práticos ou outros. A partir disso, proponho um formato de treinamento híbrido que incorpore diferentes abordagens, como vídeos, workshops interativos, discussões em grupo e materiais escritos. Oferece também flexibilidade, permitindo que cada um possa explorar os conteúdos no seu ritmo e da forma que mais se adaptam. Para promover a colaboração, incentive a troca de ideias entre eles, onde cada um pode compartilhar insights de suas abordagens preferidas, enriquecendo o aprendizado coletivo e respeitando as individualidades.
Na minha opinião somos responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento dos colaboradores mesmo eles não querendo.. temos ter a sutileza de desenvolve-los ,somos responsável por essa formação. Com isso é preciso incluir colaboradores com personalidades e habilidades distintas. Para que toda equipe funcione como uma engrenagem e na mesma sinergia.
First of.all.I world hear the voices of my clients. Adults have different motivations and expectations that must be considered. After this assessment I would mix and combine metodologies, communicate it to my public, so that all the group would benefít.
Learning differences capabilities-and aptitude variability .Having said that in any organisation especially education it is not acceptable to let it be . If you are assigned a duty to solve a problem your methodology or techniques may vary but outcomes has to be as per set standards . However in education every student is a learner with different genetic and environmental set up at home . Moreover every child is born with multiple intelligences which are unidentified yet . During the process of learning the students unfold their inner potential and every one has a different learning style we have multiple ways to get the things go in their heads heart and mind .
Apprendre demande la plupart du temps de désapprendre ce qu’on sait voire de remettre en question de vieux réflexes ou manière de fonctionner. Il est crucially de commencer par engager les membres de l’équipe sur un projet commun. Partager le pourquoi d’une formation permet de mobiliser les capacités d’innovation de chacun. Ensuite il sera clé de former des groupes de pairs ou de binômer les apprenants : à plusieurs ou avec un « buddy », on apprend plus vite en bénéficiant des préférences de chacun en matière de méthodes pédagogiques. Faire levier sur ces différences d’approches fait aussi partie de l’apprentissage. Un retour d’expérience en fin de formation avec l’équipe permettra d’ancrer pour chacun ces nouvelles approches
One of the most important aspects of any team is its diversity. Each person brings their unique perspective, ideas, and skills. With diversity, though, comes different learning preferences. Adapting and incorporating different approaches is necessary to meet their needs. I lean toward peer-to-peer learning through group projects, team presentations, or having team members mentor each other. It's collaborative and a way for each learning style to contribute comfortably. There are also the perks of upskilling and cross-training team members
Flexibilidade, pessoas possuem personalidades diferentes, quem não lembra de professores falando "cada um tem seu tempo", uma liderança tem que entender essas características e se comunicar com a equipe, ninguém sabe tudo.
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