To use lifestyle-based segmentation to create effective advertising images, you need to conduct market research to identify your target segments and their lifestyles. Create personas for each segment based on your research, then design images that match each persona's lifestyle and appeal to their emotions. Finally, test and optimize your images based on feedback and performance. You can use surveys, interviews, focus groups, online tools, or secondary data to gather information about your customers' interests, values, attitudes, and behaviors. Existing frameworks or models such as VALS, AIO, or PRIZM can be used to categorize your segments. A persona can help you visualize your segments and empathize with them. Use colors, fonts, shapes, symbols, icons, photos, illustrations or animations to create images that convey your message and value proposition. Consider the cultural and social aspects of your segments when designing images. To test and optimize images use A/B testing, eye-tracking, heat maps or analytics. Ask for feedback from customers or prospects or use online platforms or tools to get opinions or suggestions. Measure the effectiveness of your images based on goals and metrics such as click-through rates, conversions, engagement or recall.