Help, Fake Panda????

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by Infamousfrog, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. Infamousfrog

    Infamousfrog New Member

    I need your help. I bought some Australian Kookaburras, rounds, bars, and one 2003 Chinese Panda today from a small time dealer. I did the magnet test infront of the person selling them. I slide the magnet down the coins at a 45 degree angle and they slowly went down and I also did the ping test and they all sounded the same (I brought a Maple to hear the sounds). When I got home I did the ice test and they melted good. The only thing I didn't do was the acid test because all the Kookaburras are 1992 and the one panda is a 2003. I don't want to mess them up. The only thing that is getting me is the weight of them. My newer rounds, ASE, Maples etc... all weigh 31.1 grams and the Kookaburras weigh 31.6 grams. And the panda is coming in at 31.4g which is scaring me. Everything I read says the panda weighs exactly 1 troy oz. When I do research on fake 2003 pandas I can see pictures of the real and fake ones. My looks real but it's the weight that's getting me. If anyone can help me determine if my is real I would be greatly appreciated.

    Sorry for the bad pictures. My phone doesn't take the best pictures. panda back.jpeg panda front.jpeg panda weight.jpeg round.jpeg
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  3. josh's coins

    josh's coins Well-Known Member

    normally a counterfeit chinese coin is a bit below. Since this one is a bit more perhaps it is your scale. Reset it and reweigh
  4. rzage

    rzage What Goes Around Comes Around .

    Your scale rounds off the weight to the nearest .1 of a gram . So the little off it could be , could be in the scale . Could you take it to a jeweler to get weighed ?
  5. Hello, In addition to the scale idea from the previous posts, check for these things:
    1: is the font the same as a real one (compare it to a certified coin). Usually the font is different.
    2: the outer ring is no exactly the same most of the time.

    I put your coin and a real one in photoshop and laid 1 on top of the other to check for any differences. The fonts on yours are so similar that I cannot see a difference between the 2 coins. If yours is fake, its a dang good one. look at the 2 in "2003" on your coin. Do you see the top end of the 2? The real coin has a rounded top end, but I cant see your coin end in the pic from the glare. If your 2 is flat and sharp at the top end, then it is probably fake. but so far to me it looks good. I think you have no worries.
    let us know when you find out. :) good luck.
    I uploaded an image so you can see what I checked.

    Attached Files:

  6. Savy

    Savy Well-Known Member

    I have this exact coin graded by NGC, and yours looks exactly like mine. It looks real.
  7. wcoins

    wcoins GEM-ber

    Hard to say with those pictures...first is genuine, second is fake, third is yours
    Atarian likes this.
  8. Infamousfrog

    Infamousfrog New Member

    wcoins. It's hard even trying to look at the first to. Nevermind trying to compare my against both of them.
  9. Ethan

    Ethan Collector of Kennedy's

    I think it is real and one Oz is 31.1g so yours is just a wee bit heavy. It passed all the other tests so I vote real for now.
  10. Infamousfrog

    Infamousfrog New Member

    Is there any other test I could do without doing the acid test? I don't want to mess it because if it's real it's worth more than the $20 I paid for it.
  11. wcoins

    wcoins GEM-ber

    The NGC test
  12. Jess Sutton

    Jess Sutton New Member

    Best way I can think of is get another panda, than weigh and measure them both
  13. Mr Roots

    Mr Roots Underneath The Bridge

    It's real and you got a whole 20 cents worth of free silver.
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